Keep Your Home Safe From Lightning-Related Flames | SERVPRO® of Central Garden Grove
9/26/2022 (Permalink)

Homeowners work hard to prevent fires using fire safety tools and practices. But while many house fires start in the kitchen, there are a few other natural hazards that could result in flames. These causes can be more difficult to prevent.
There were over 70,000 damage reports attributed to lightning strikes in 2020. The probability of lightning striking you personally is actually rather low, but the risk to your home is far greater. Additionally, lightning can cause a fire, fry your electrical system or even uproot trees when it does strike.
It’s estimated that lightning strikes around 6,000 times every minute. This makes everyone at risk of a strike.
So, we should all prepare ourselves and our homes for the impact this weather threat can have when a storm is brewing.
Lightning is a huge spark of electrical current that occurs between clouds in the air and the ground. While storms are known to create lightning, they can also occur during volcanic eruptions, severe wildfires and even large snowstorms.
Although lightning is typically associated with severe weather, it can also happen when the sky is clear and the air is dry. “Dry lightning” occurs when there is no rain, and it is a pretty dangerous phenomenon since it regularly starts wildfires. So, in addition to storm preparation, we also need to be fire-prepared.
A lightning strike can result in significant property damage, including flames. The heat of the impact itself or an electrical surge brought on by the impact both have the potential to ignite a fire.
After a fire sparks from the strike, it might not be instantly obvious as it will start inside your walls or up in your attic. After the strike, look for scorch marks and notify the fire department as soon as you spot any or smell any smoke.
One of the best methods to avert lightning-related fire is to install a lightning rod. This is a metal pole that can direct the power of lightning away from your home so that it is shielded from the full power of the electrical current and heat produced by lightning.
Wildfires and other flames that start outside are frequently brought on by lightning. There are several “peak” seasons for lightning fires in various areas of the country, but lightning strikes generate 9,000 fires annually.
Clear your yard of decaying plants or shrubs, and try utilizing defensible zones to defend your home from lightning strikes and fires. Make sure to install a smoke alarm on every floor of your home so that if a fire breaks out, you will be instantly notified.
If you face the impact of flames in your home, call our experts at SERVPRO. Even though fire cleanup and restoration can be a challenging process, we have the best tools in the business and thorough training to manage every stage of it. We will return you to your house as soon as we can.
Have you experienced smoke or fire damage in your home? Call us today to get the restoration finished fast.